Brunch With A Few Lady Friends


Over the past few months I’ve been extremely busy with my mom and aunt.  During Thanksgiving week, I moved them from Tennessee to Georgia.  Normally moving in itself is quite a task but when you consider that both of them are in their 80’s and my aunt is blind, deaf and has dementia this move became a major feat. In addition to the move there were Medicare and Medicaid issues to be addressed and finding services for my aunt.

Needless to say, I was in dire need of a relaxed day with a few friends.  OK, I can hear you thinking that cooking for a brunch is not relaxing – it’s a lot of work.  But I like to cook and the planning and preparation took my mind off family issues.

Brunch1  Brunch2

Our brunch was fairly simple and some of the dishes could be prepared ahead.  Our menu consisted of:

We played some games, gave out some prizes and then just sat around sharing funny stories from our childhood.  We laughed until we cried and our sides hurt.

Each guest left with a jar of cinnamon honey butter to share with their family.  A good time was had by all.

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